Monday, 7 September 2015

The Only Characteristic That Impresses God

We may become very dear and attractive to the world, but what is the value of it if it doesn’t bring us closer to God. We see in many places of the world people who can speak very nicely, who have an incredible memory, and who have charisma and the power to attract others. Sometimes when they speak tens of thousands of people come to hear them or sometimes millions come to become their disciples. Sometimes it is because they can perform some magic tricks. Sometimes it is because they are very learned.
But a true devotee of the Lord judges things the way the Lord judges. “What is a person’s humility? Is this person’s motivation exclusively to be the servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord?” This is the only characteristic that impresses God. He is not impressed by our magic tricks. He is not impressed by our ability to speak, because whatever we speak – the language, the words, and the power to speak comes from Him. God is only impressed by humble devotion, by the mood of eternal servitude. – Radhanath Swami

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