Tuesday, 8 September 2015

God is Like a Power House & We Are Like Light Bulbs

God is like a powerhouse, an electrical powerhouse. And we are all like different lightbulbs. There are 50-watt Lightbulbs, 100-watt lightbulbs, 500-watt lightbulbs, 1000-watt lightbulbs. According to our gunas, according to our karmas, and according to our perseverance, we may be very small lightbulbs or we may be very great lightbulbs. You may be Ph.D. scholar, a Nobel laureate, or you may just know basic arithmetic.
But whatever power we have at any level, it is coming from janmady asya yatah — the ultimate source wherefrom that current is flowing. And every living being in the human form of life has the independent free will to use that energy and channel it according to his or her desire. We may channel that energy, motivated by greed, lust, envy, anger, pride and illusion; or we may channel that same energy with compassion, with love, with concern for others and with devotion. But either way the energy that everyone has is coming from the original source, janmaady asya yatah. —Radhanath Swami

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